Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Silo 49: Going Dark is Published!

It's hard to believe, but the first book is out!

I hit the publish button on July 15th but I kept it mum from most until I got a few reviews. I was worried that it would stink. I knew it would be a nerve-wracking thing to publish but I had absolutely no idea how deep the pit of my stomach would get.

It is with all honesty that I can say I had no butterflies...because I had giant freaking bats in there.


So I waited to see what would happen and I'm happy to say that people seem to like it! I don't know any of the people who have given me reviews, though I did read the silo stories by +Patrice Fitzgerald and loved those. It is nice to know that people have enjoyed them and liked the writing. The @Kiki Burn review pretty much had me dancing all over the living room. I'm not afraid to admit it!

I'm chugging away on the second one....basically, I'm picking it to death. Should be up very, very soon.

Oh, and my email has changed! You can reach me using annDOTchristyauthorATgmailDOTcom or you can just comment here. Looking forward to hearing from you.

Happy Reading.

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