Thursday, March 6, 2014

Are they all going free? Answers to your many emails.

I got home from work today to find forty-four...yes 44...emails and other notes from readers asking if the rest of the series is going to be free soon because Silo 49: Going Dark went perma-free and now book two, Silo 49: Deep Dark is on free promotion.

The answer is...sadly, no. I don't do free promos but this is a one shot deal to celebrate the final permafree status on Amazon. I think giving away half the series (more than half if you take word count into it) is probably enough.

Another question that popped up in one of those emails, I'll answer:

Q: Why are your books different in length and price? Are those two overpriced shorts or real books?

A: They are all priced based on length and mine are bargain priced because I'm a newbie.
--Going Dark is 40+K words, which is a novella or about half the length of a standard novel. That is free but it was 99 cents because I like the idea of 99 cents.'s a cute word.
--Deep Dark is over 80K words, which is novel length. So, it's a full book.
--Dark Till Dawn is also the 80K sort, so another full novel.
--Flying Season for the Mis-Recorded is 20K+ words, or what I call a novelette and some call a novella. It is 99 cents.

To put it in perspective, the original WOOL was 12K words or so.

My books vary in length because I chose not to break them up into hanging episodes and instead release each new book as a stand alone piece. I think I enjoy books more when I don't have to wait a month between each new snippet of a few chapters.
The first one is shorter because there was less to tell. The middle two build in the detail and take the reader on the journey of a culture developing in a dark silo. Flying Season is a side story about two rather well liked characters in DTD, by reader request.

And a reminder, see the post below. I've gotten very few people signed up to get a chance at the ARC for WOOLGATHERING. It's a rare chance to read a book weeks before others do. See the post.

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