Sunday, March 2, 2014

ARC Giveaway of WOOLGATHERING Anthology

As some of you know, I was asked to be a part of a WOOL anthology. The proceeds will go to charity. While there are still some legal details to work out to be sure the charity is good with the final product and so on, the book itself is now done!

As you can see from the cover, it's a bunch of great writers who know their WOOL. My story is a prequel to Silo 49: Going Dark about the very day people went into the silos. Oh yes, and there are cute beagles. So there.

We're trying to do this launch right and in the pursuit of doing things right, we are each allowed to give way two ARCs (Advanced Reader Copy). This is what gets sent to reviewers and such so that a review of a book can appear on the date of release.

It will be in electronic format so you can put it to your kindle and read just like normal.

This is not the same as Beta reading. You can give us feedback if you want, but that isn't at all expected. Instead, we'd like you post a review on Amazon on the date of release. A truthful review!

Since this implies agreement, I won't just pull a winner from the mailing list. Instead, I'll select from people who specifically desire to enter. You can post a comment or you can just email me (contact form to the right). Either way, I'll select the winners soon so don't delay.

You'll be the first ones to read it and that is always cool. Good luck!


  1. Count me in! I've read 50-60 Wool fan fiction books so far, several more waiting on my Wish List.

  2. I would be honored to read the ARC and write a short, but pithy review.
