Friday, January 24, 2014

Hugh Howey is on the air!

If you've read Silo 49, it's almost guaranteed it's because you liked Hugh Howey's WOOL. Well, he is on Authors on the Air at this very moment and will be for another hour or so...and he's taking calls.  Just a heads up for all the fans out there.

If you're seeing this after 9 p.m. Eastern Time on the 24th of January, then you missed it but the entire interview is recorded there so you can listen to your heart's desire.

And just in case you're wondering: Why yes, I did call in! Finally, after all this time I got the chance to thank him with my voice for giving me permission to write the series in his world. Much better than an email. I'm the first caller so it is somewhere in the first fifteen minutes or so. If you're curious, you can hear my voice. :)

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